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A human condition with a human solution

Elevate your well-being

Are you ready to embark on a journey towards a more fulfilling and balanced life? Our free Wellness Self-Assessment is your personal gateway to well-being. Discover your strengths, uncover areas where you can thrive, and find hidden dimensions of wellness you may have overlooked. This is your opportunity to invest in a happier and healthier you.

A group of people standing on top of a beach.


In Vivo is your personal concierge on your Journey to Wellness

In Vivo partners with its clients through each step of the recovery process empowering and providing the necessary support to overcome hurdles in real-world scenarios.

Wellness is a kinetic, lifelong process of developing personal awareness and decision-making skills. We approach our clients on a highly individualized basis, providing a healthy structure that teaches and encourages them to grow towards independence. Our focus is personal growth and healthy behaviors, complemented by an emphasis on learning and mastering real life skills. We empower our clients by harnessing their strengths and shoring up their weaknesses.  Our goal is for clients to reach an enhanced state of autonomy, emotional sobriety, regeneration of health, re-engagement of social and relationship skills, and spiritual development. Together, we help clients build the life they dream of so that they can thrive not just survive.