I find it easy to express my emotions in positive, constructive ways
I recognize when I am stressed and take steps to manage my stress (e.g., exercise, quiet time, meditation)
I am resilient and can bounce back after a disappointment or problem
I am flexible and adapt or adjust to change in a positive way
I am able to make decisions with minimal stress or worry
When I am angry, I try to let others know in non-confrontational or nonhurtful ways
I am able to make decisions with minimal stress or worry
1 out of 8
I recognize the impact of my environment on my health
I surround myself with people who support me in my journey of being healthy and well
I am aware of and make use of health, wellness, and safety resources
I recognize the impact of my actions on my environment
I practice environmentally conscious behaviors (e.g., recycling)
I contribute towards making my environment a safer and healthier place
I seek out ways to improve my social environment
2 out of 8
I am curious and interested in the communities, as well as the world, around me
I search for learning opportunities and stimulating mental activities
I manage my time well, rather than it managing me
I enjoy brainstorming and sharing knowledge with others in group projects or tasks
I enjoy learning about subjects other than those I am required to study/in my field of work
I seek opportunities to learn practical skills to help others
I can critically consider the opinions and information presented by others and provide constructive feedback
3 out of 8
I get personal satisfaction and enrichment from work
I believe that I am able to contribute my knowledge, skills, and talents at work
I seek out opportunities to improve my knowledge or skills
I balance my social life and job responsibilities well
I effectively handle my level of stress related to work responsibilities
My work load is manageable
I explore paid and/or volunteer opportunities that interest me
4 out of 8
I engage in physical exercise regularly (e.g., 30 mins at least 5x a week or 10,000 steps a day)
I get 6-8 hours of sleep each night
I protect myself and others from getting ill (e.g., wash my hands, cover my cough, etc.)
I abstain from drinking alcohol; or if I do drink, I aim to keep my BAC < .06
I avoid using tobacco products or other drugs
I eat a balanced diet (fruits, vegetables, low-moderate fat, whole grains)
I get regular physical exams (i.e., annual, when I have atypical symptoms)
5 out of 8
I consciously and continually try to work on behaviors or attitudes that have caused problems in my interactions with others
In my romantic or sexual relationships, I choose partner(s) who respect my wants, needs, and choices
I feel supported and respected in my close relationships
I communicate effectively with others, share my views and listen to those of others
I consider the feelings of others and do not act in hurtful/selfish ways
I try to see good in my friends and do whatever I can to support them
I participate in a wide variety of social activities and find opportunities to form new relationships
6 out of 8
I take time to think about what’s important in life – who I am, what I value, where I fit in, and where I am going
I have found a balance between meeting my needs and those of others
I engage in acts of caring and goodwill without expecting something in return
I sympathize/empathize with those who are suffering and try to help them through difficult times
My values are true priorities in my life and are reflected in my actions
I feel connected to something larger than myself (e.g., supreme being, nature, connectedness of all living things, humanity, community)
I feel like my life has purpose and meaning
7 out of 8
Discover Your Path to Wellness
Congratulations on completing the Wellness Self-Assessment! Your commitment to understanding and improving your well-being is commendable, and we appreciate the time and effort you've invested in this process.
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